bubbadoo enjoying life

Yet another attempt at making it easier to to get photos out there, but minimizing the amount of time it takes to do it. We may go back to that filmloop thing, but for while we're here in London I believe it's worth giving this a try. We'll try and keep up with posting pictures on it and it's up to you guys to check in on occassion. love to everybody, a, j & oliver

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bee's Birthday

Happy Birthday Bee!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Fun with Daddy!

Daddy has been teaching me to drive the golf cart!

Watching the July 4th parade at the Four Corners.

Doing cartwheels with Daddy - so much fun!!

WHOA!!! Let's do it again!!!

Walking along the rocky shore in front of the fishing club.

Daddy knows where all my tickle spots are.

Stop it Daddy...I love it!!!

Concentrating on watching Daddy and Papa fly kites.

There's my kite!!

I can fly a kite!!

Let's go swimming and jump in the waves!!

I love my Daddy!!!

On Our Way to Cuttyhunk!

Captain Jonno instructs his newest First Mate!
Oliver was so excited to get to drive the Cuttyhunk Ferry! We had a beautiful ride over and it was so great to see the island, smell the salty air, listen to the wind whipping the flags and see the yacht club headed out to class. Life is so much simpler here and it is so wonderful!

Our Family Vacation Begins!

Summer has officially begun although it has been quite a trip to get here! When we arrived at LAX at 6 am on July 1st - we had no idea what we were in store for!! Andy was the only one with a seat on our plane which had been re-assigned and did not have enough seats to accomodate all the reservations. We waited and waited and waited to be called from the 'list' and a few minutes before take-off, Oliver was called! So now Andy and Oliver had seats. Andy had also gone onto the plane to bring some of our bags and get somewhat settled in the hopes that we would all get seats. No such luck!!! They called final boarding - all Andy's bags were on board - but we had to decide what to do! We didn't want to split up - but the next flight wasn't until 3 in the afternoon - not exactly an ideal situation with a 3 year old! So we decided that Andy would give me his seat - and I would take Oliver on the first flight while Andy waited for the next one. He had to wait at LAX for 9 hours!!! It was not a fun goodbye - Oliver was upset and couldn't quite understand why Daddy wasn't coming with us. And I was sad to begin our family vacation apart! We knew it was the best decision though and Oliver was the best little boy on our flight! When we got to Boston, they had lost one of our bags! I wanted to cry! Would this day of travel ever end?!?! Andy arrived in Boston close to midnight and lo and behold - our lost bag was there too!!!! We had to rush home - get to sleep - so we could wake up and make it to the 9 am Cuttyhunk Ferry!